About Marking Schemes
Marking Schemes allow you to create a template of complex, or simple, assessment Tasks that you can duplicate time and time again with differing pupil groups, or the same pupil group, and differing dates. You are also able to create subtotals and overall totals within a Marking Scheme, for those schemes with numeric Tasks only. The benefit of setting up Marking Schemes is that you can group together multiple assessment Tasks, from which sets of new Tasks can be generated for pupil groups of your choosing.
To generate Tasks from Marking Schemes, you need to undertake this process:
- In Marking Schemes, add Template Tasks for a Marking Scheme.
- In Marking Schemes, for a specific Marking Scheme, select the relevant pupil group and click Create Tasks to create the associated Tasks based on the template.
- In Mark Entry, search for and find your pupil group. The newly added Task columns appear ready for you to enter markbook data, along with any sub totals or total calculation columns you included within the scheme.
When you set up Marking Schemes, you can configure the following:
- The marking method for each Task, i.e. Grade Set or numeric.
- The weighting of numeric Tasks in relation to other Tasks. For example, Markbook Group Calculations uses the weighting assigned to a Task to calculate the relative value of a Task within a group calculation.
- If the Task is numeric, you can specify the minimum mark, the maximum mark and the number of decimal places allowed within the Mark Entry Task columns.
- If all the Tasks are numeric, you are able to set up Subtotal and Overall Total columns as part of a Marking Scheme.